Brixton Trance Underworld

Brixton Trance Underworld

26 January, 2018 // 11:00 PM until 7:00 AM


Cost – £5b412 £10 after.


To purchase your tickets, head over and pay securely via stripe. Click here.

Phil Reynolds b2b Latex Zebra (2 Hour Set)
Phd (PHD)
Lorenzo Barrero
Matt Church

Brixton Trance Underworld is back for 2018!
After a relaunch last year the party has gone from strength to strength with some excellent (If we do say so ourselves) parties and fantastic array of DJs from all over the country.

A party at the end of January is just what everyone needs after a month at the gym (hmmm) burning off those mince pies or saving money after the excesses of the silly season.
So, we’ll give you a party worth coming out for.

All three guests return from playing last year and all have something special to offer.

Up first is Phil Reynolds. As a Frantic resident he has played peak time at the biggest venues all over the country and his name is synonymous with banging tunes and perfectly mixed sets.
After the rather excellent reaction to his B2B with BTU’s Latex Zebra at the HarderFaster Christmas party they’ve decided to do it again. This time they have two hours to work their magic. This will be something very, very special!

Our next returning guest is PHD. As well as being behind some of 2017’s excellent tough Trance tracks he continues to make a name for himself as a top quality DJ… He closed our relaunch party in some style and we expect to close our first event of 2017 with the same enthusiasm and excitement.

Our final guest is an utter Underground hero and as promoter of his own excellent TranceLucid party knows a thing or two (million) about excellent Trance. It is the one and only Lorenzo Barrero.
A constantly busy DJ, especially with his Psy Trance alias Psyrenzo… For this party it will be pure Trance!

All of our residents return, the aforementioned Latex Zebra of course, with B.S.E and Matt Church both delivering solo sets that will complement the guests and assist in making a party that starts 2018 with a bang!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Phil Reynolds b2b Latex Zebra (2 Hour Set)
Phd (PHD)
Lorenzo Barrero
Matt Church



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